Pope Francis held a special audience for the chapter leaders of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums gathered in Rome to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the organization. In his words to the group, the Pope underlined the importance of sacred art – and its preservation – for bringing people together and […]
Archive | Patrons News
RSSNational Geographic Takes Us behind the Scenes
0National Geographic recently published a delightful piece highlighting a unique perspective on the Vatican Museums.
Vatican Museums Chief Talks Values, Even to Celebrities and Pols
0Dr. Barbara Jatta discusses the enormity and the wonder, the diversity and minutia of overseeing the Vatican Collection and communicating the faith that’s at its core.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Restoration Update
0Texas Patrons Invites You to the Pilgrimage to Rome & Orvieto Oct. 4 – 11, 2015
0Texas Patrons of the Arts Pilgrimage to Rome & Orvieto – Please contact us for more info! Book Online: ctscentral.net/booking/?tripcode=10962&groupcode=6452
Event: Wine and Hor D’Oeuveres
0On April 9th, the Texas Chapter will be hosting a meeting for Patron members in Dallas. During this brief presentation, we will explain three key things: What it Means to be a Member We encourage members to bring a guest. This evening is meant to attract new members and remind current Patrons just how significant […]
Event: The Age of Impressionism
0The Texas Chapter’s first event of the year, planned by Lori Wrinkle, was The Age of Impressionism: Great French Paintings from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. This event was held on the night of March 6th at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas and was a huge success. Our twenty-six members that […]
Welcome To Our Chapter’s New Site!
0Welcome to the Texas chapters’ new website, where we will post news, announcements, updates on projects, and other helpful information for our members. Click around and please let us know what you think!