On April 9th, the Texas Chapter will be hosting a meeting for Patron members in Dallas. During this brief presentation, we will explain three key things:
What it Means to be a Member
We encourage members to bring a guest. This evening is meant to attract new members and remind current Patrons just how significant a role they play in the mission of this organization.
Our Recent Project
We are proud to announce that we have accepted the challenge of raising funds for Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Gardens of Vatican City. We will be highlighting our commitment to this project by speaking about the history of this section of the Vatican garden and what exactly the money will help fund.
Trip to Rome
We are proud to announce that Father Haslam, the host of our upcoming trip to Rome, will be in attendance to discuss the Rome excursion in more detail. Father Haslam led the tour last year and we look forward to him accompanying us again.
Please join us for this fun night of wine, hors d’oeuvres, and information!
The event will be held on April 9th from 6:00-8:00PM at Jim Auger’s condominium. The address is 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd. in Dallas, TX. Please RSVP to Danielle Wauters at daniellenicolewauters@gmail.com if you are able to attend.
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