Archive | February, 2015
The Age of Impressionism: Great French Paintings from Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute on March 6, 2014
0Ms. Lori Wrinkle reported on the Houston Museum of fine Arts event called, visiting “The Age of Impressionism”: Great French Paintings from Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute on march 6, 2014. This event was a huge success! The twenty-six members which were in attendance, included a few new faces and they were eager to learn […]
Book Signing Event November 6, 2014 – Fort Worth, Texas
0Mr. Pritchett reported on the Patrons book signing event at Artisan’s Restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas on November 6, 2014. It was attended by 25 people, 22 of whom were potential new members, who also enjoyed Fr. Mark’s presentation. Twenty-five books were purchased for the event and all were sold. The event was a success!